Otto's Sporting Goods - Coldwater MI

Address: 539 E Chicago St
City: Coldwater
State: MI
Zip: 49036
County: Branch
Number of visits to this page: 159

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Otto's goes back to the 1940's in Coldwater. They had toys and lots of other items in addition to sporting goods. Tom at the Capri Drive-In in Coldwater recalls getting lots of his sports equipment here as a kid. There is a Cottage Inn on the spot now in a strip mall. The footprint of that building is close to what Otto's was so I am not sure if it is the old building remodeled or not.

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Ottos Sporting Goods - 1963 (newer photo)
1963 (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - 1969 Aerial (newer photo)
1969 Aerial (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - 1980 (newer photo)
1980 (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - 1983 (newer photo)
1983 (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - Dec 15 1959 Ad (newer photo)
Dec 15 1959 Ad (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - Dec 31 1972 Ad (newer photo)
Dec 31 1972 Ad (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - Dec 4 1958 Ad (newer photo)
Dec 4 1958 Ad (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - Jul 17 1958 Ad (newer photo)
Jul 17 1958 Ad (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - Mar 8 1968 Ad (newer photo)
Mar 8 1968 Ad (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - Nov 21 1949 Robbery (newer photo)
Nov 21 1949 Robbery (newer photo)
Ottos Sporting Goods - Oct 27 1949 Break-In (newer photo)
Oct 27 1949 Break-In (newer photo) © 2025 Over 84,741,563 Served