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Fairlane Town Center, known for its fashion-forward merchandise and depth of retailers, is home to more than 125 stores and restaurants. Conveniently located near major expressways, Detroit Metropolitan airport and the U. S. -Canadian border crossing, Fairlane Town Center is a short drive to downtown Detroit's revitalized casino and entertainment district. Anchored by Macy's, JCPenney, and a restaurant plaza, Fairlane Town Center affords visitors a unique shopping experience.
Hours effective 7-1-2022: Mon-Sat: 11AM-8PM Sun: 12pm-6pm
From Wikipedia
Fairlane Town Center is a super-regional shopping mall in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, Michigan. The mall is adjacent to The Henry Hotel, The Fairlane Club, the University of Michigan–Dearborn, Henry Ford Community College, The Henry Ford, and the Ford Motor Company headquarters. The anchor stores are Ford Town Center Offices, AMC Theatres, Macy's, and JCPenney.
Following a major renovation in 2007, the mall features a large food court, full-service restaurants, several eateries, and merchandise for the urbanized market. The mall is about a 15-minute drive from downtown Detroit, Wayne State University, or Metro Airport.