Cinderella Theatre - Detroit MI

Address: 13305-09 E Jefferson Ave
City: Detroit
State: MI
Zip: 48215
County: Wayne
Open: 1924
Capacity: 1897
Owner History: United Detroit Theatres
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 21418

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General Information:

Source: Cinema Treasures

Designed by Christian W. Brandt, the nearly 1900-seat Cinderella on the East Side of Detroit was one of the larger of the city's neighborhood houses. Built in Spanish Colonial style, the Cinderella made for an impressive sight in its early years along East Jefferson Avenue with its white terra-cotta facade and red Spanish-tile roofing.

The theater contained a Mighty Wurlitzer organ which was removed from the Cinderella in 1966. It is now housed in the Music House Museum, near Traverse City. Once host to both vaudeville and movies, the Cinderella was built for J.N. Robinson and opened in 1924. In 1953 it was sold to United Detroit Theatres, which modernized the Cinderella, replacing the seating and installing new projection equipment.

After the 1950 Walt Disney film "Cinderella" came out, the side walls of the theater were painted with scenes from that movie. The Cinderella was closed in the mid 70s, and was demolished just a few years later.

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Info Updates:
5/15/2018 - Chauncey Chapman
Inside there was a mural at the top wrapping around the theater telling the Cinderella story in 8 paintings.
3/28/2012 - walt slaughter
My recollection is the Cinderella closing in 1971 not 1975. I remember the fare on my last two visits: Sam Pekinpah's The Wild Bunch, and the adaptation of John Updike's breakthrough novel, Rabbit Run, starring James Caan and Carrie Snodgress. (whatever happened to the lady?) The second level was already being dismantled. There were boxes and boxes of reel cannisters spilling out of the storerooms. Eschucheons and decorative cornices had been ripped from the walls. Perhaps the palace did undergo one more resurrection, but I for one never returned. Too many memories being desecrated and trashed.
2/12/2008 - Beth Gallo
I have a china set that my grandmother said she collected over the years while visiting a movie theater. I later ran into another fellow detroiter that had the same china set as I did and said it came from the Cinderella Theater. Does anyone have any more info about the theater giving out china? Thanks!!!!
2/3/2008 - JerryD
The Cinderella was owned and operated by UDT (United Detroit Theates) during the 50's, until 1961, they closed it and it was taken over by Bill Brown & Norman Cohen, parters in the Fox Theatre operation. Norn Cohen , was the producer of (I was a Teenage Werewolf) and several other 5o's SiFi Hits. They ran the "Cindy" until 1967 or 68. Paul Widdis was one of, maybe the last Manager's of the " C indy".
2/1/2008 - Cynthia Provost
When I was young I found a box of reel to reel movies in our house, my mom said they were from the Cinderella theater which my grandfather owned when she was a teenager. His name was John Brioc. That would have been in the 1940's and possibly early 1950's. She said he owned the whole block and had a barber shop in that area.
3/29/2004 - John M. Heyka
As the Cinderella Ballroom theatre, it was a rock and roll palace in the late 60s early 70s. The J. Geils Band recorded their first live album FULL HOUSE there.
Cinderella Theatre - From Matt
From Matt
Cinderella Theatre - Old Photo Of Cinderella
Old Photo Of Cinderella
Cinderella Theatre - Old Photo From Detroit Yes Burton Collection
Old Photo From Detroit Yes Burton Collection © 2025 Over 84,806,631 Served