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AKA: Flint Mall, Eastland, Eastland Cinema I & II, AKA: Courtland Center Cinemas AKA: ABC Flint Mall Theater
From Gary Flinn
The Eastland Mall was opened in 1969, and the the ABC Mall Theatre - Eastland Mall was opened on October 8, 1969 with John Voight in “Midnight Cowboy”. It was originally a single screen theatre. National Amusements took it over in 1982 which twinned it on December 16, 1983. When the Eastland Mall was renamed Courtland Center, the cinema was appropriately renamed. It closed in the mid-1980’s when the nearby co-owned Showcase Cinemas Flint East added additional screens.
After several unsuccessful attempts to reopen it, Silver Cinemas reopened it on November 6, 1998 as the Silver Cinemas after expanding it to six screens with all-stadium seating. National Amusements took it over on April 5, 1999, converting it into a second-run bargain-priced house. The Courtland Center Cinemas was closed on December 11, 2008. It was reopened by NCG Cinemas on May 20, 2011. It was closed on September 27, 2021.