HomeMovie TheatersTowne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres)

Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - Oak Park MI

Address: 26300 Greenfield Rd
City: Oak Park
State: MI
Zip: 48237
County: Oakland
Open: July 1967
Owner History: Suburban Detroit Theaters
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 6677

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: WaterWinterWonderland

The Towne opened in August 1967. I went there a few times in the 80's. it was a pretty non-descript place, typical of the early multi-plexes that were springing up back then. It was known to be one of the first theaters in the area to feature long-term engagements of Rocky Horror Picture Show with the attendant fans with their props and antics.

From Cinema Treasures

The Towne Theatre was located at 11 Mile Road and Greenfield Road, next to K-Mart. It opened August 17, 1967. I worked there when it changed from 1st to 2nd run, the night after “Dances with Wolves” won Oscar for best picture. On February 17, 1971 it reopened as the Towne Twin Theatre. It became a 4-screeen theatre on April 27, 1984, it was taken over by AMC in 1986. It was later closed and demolished. An Aldi supermarket now stands on the site.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
Info Updates:
11/27/2019 - Mark Schmeling
During the first decade of its existence, the Towne was an excellent single screen, first-run theater showing features such as Lenny, The Man Who Would Be King and Days of Heaven and a choice re-release of Giant. The Towne was a seven mile trip from my home, but well worth it.
4/19/2010 - Austin Wolfclaw
Where the Towne once stood before, an Aldi stands there today.
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - 1971 Towne Twin Ad
1971 Towne Twin Ad
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - Old Photo
Old Photo
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - Aldi Store On Site May 9 2022
Aldi Store On Site May 9 2022
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - Towne Theater Bldg May 9 2022
Towne Theater Bldg May 9 2022
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - 1967 Opening Ad
1967 Opening Ad
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - 1987 Berkley High Yearbook Ad
1987 Berkley High Yearbook Ad
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - Aug 1967
Aug 1967
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - Jan 2001 Article On Closing
Jan 2001 Article On Closing
Towne Theatres 4 (AMC Towne 4 Theatres) - Jul 1967 Opening Ad
Jul 1967 Opening Ad
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