Pinky's Foodliner - Houghton Lake MI

Address: 6000 W Houghton Lake Drive
City: Houghton Lake
State: MI
Zip: 48629
County: Roscommon
Number of visits to this page: 4537

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Apparently this place was owned by Pinky Randall, who was known as "Mr. Chevrolet". He owned over 200 cars throughout his life, most of them were Chevys. He hailed from Houghton Lake so this was his place. He just passed away in January 2022. The company was listed on Collingwood St. but that was probably his house. I found an old ad in the Lansing State Journal that had an address of 6000 W Houghton Lake Dr so I went with that.

From Bob

As of 2019, the former Pinky's was a Sav-a-lot. The building is likely still there but I have not been to Houghton Lake since 2019 to verify it. I remember using the pay phone shown on the post card pre-cell phone days to call home when we arrived in the area for the Tip-up-town festivals.

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Pinkys Foodliner - Old Postcard Photo
Old Postcard Photo
Pinkys Foodliner - Old Postcard Photo
Old Postcard Photo
Pinkys Foodliner - Houghton Lake High School - Bobcat Yearbook Class Of 1966
Houghton Lake High School - Bobcat Yearbook Class Of 1966
Pinkys Foodliner - 1967 Yearbook Ad
1967 Yearbook Ad
Pinkys Foodliner - 2019 Street View
2019 Street View © 2025 Over 83,785,782 Served