Adrian Fairgrounds - Adrian MI

Address: 602 N Dean St.
City: Adrian
State: MI
Zip: 49221
County: Lenawee
Number of visits to this page: 17312

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Dirt Oval - Operating Dates: 1928-1982. - Special thanks to Brain Baker for photo and info.

Info Updates:
10/15/2008 - Mel Lewis
My dad, Loyal Lewis raced at the fairgrounds as well as at Toledo. Dad is 84 now and doing quite well. Does anyone know of any of the other drivers from back then that are still around? sure would be nice to get some of them together. I think I can find a photo of Dad's car-sponsored by "Buck and Jim's Garage corner of Center and Beecher. Dad worked there. I raced at Manchester and Oakshade in the 70's
3/14/2008 - Dennis Mull
My dad Reggie Mull won the fastest time trial at the track on sept 11 1948.Does anyone remember the motorcycle races held there? He was # 49V and raced on most of the tracks in mich and ohio. He raced at motor city speedway and won the championship in 1950 and 1951.I would appreciate any info or photos.
1/28/2007 - Paul R.
i am from adrian and was born in 1943 my parents were very close friends of the pifers and my brother orville 15 yrs iolder than i was very good friend of marvin and as i recall orv. saying in past years marv gave him his first ride behind the wheel of a stock car. orville ran cars "0" double 0 in the earlie 50's in adrian, toledo, and jackson on occasion my mother in law was marvins first cousin. going to races with my brother and his friends was the greatest thing for me. i in regards to the dusseau family the driive in on 223 was the sky drive the lenawee was on north 52 north of adrian i do remember conversation of dusseaus track but do not remember ;paying attention of its exact location but wiill check with my brother on that. ted dusseau had a junk yard on treat hwy. just north of 223 that is still in the faimily. l left adrian upn graduating in 1961 and then returned to adrian in 1980 thru 1984 then returned to downey ca.
7/13/2005 - Larry Preston
My father "Hod" Preston raced there often in 40s Rodsters & Sprint car. Ran with Marv Pifer,Dussos,many other notables of the time. For a while programs were promoted by TonyChip" Chaqura? out of Toledo and Toledos Raceway Park. I am searching thru old photos & newspapers my father & mother kept of that era. Also looking to find imformation on "Maple City Speedway" which was located near US 223 & old Lenawee Drive-In. I believe it was on the property of Chuck Dussos farm.
Adrian Fairgrounds - Loyal Lewis From Mel Lewis
Loyal Lewis From Mel Lewis
Adrian Fairgrounds - Loyal Lewis From Mel Lewis
Loyal Lewis From Mel Lewis
Adrian Fairgrounds - Loyal Lewis From Mel Lewis
Loyal Lewis From Mel Lewis
Adrian Fairgrounds - Dick Martin From Brian Norton
Dick Martin From Brian Norton
Adrian Fairgrounds - Leo Caldwell From Brian Norton
Leo Caldwell From Brian Norton
Adrian Fairgrounds - June 20 1951
June 20 1951
Adrian Fairgrounds - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo © 2025 Over 84,741,869 Served