Silver Beach Amusement Park - St. Joseph MI

Address: North Shore Drive
City: St. Joseph
State: MI
Zip: 49085
County: Berrien
Number of visits to this page: 46781

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: City of Saint Joseph

In 1880, Logan Drake purchased 20-22 acres of sand dunes from the Native Americans. Later he joined up with Louis Wallace and formed the Silver Beach Amusement Company. A slide was built in the water for children; a moving stairway "the people mover" was installed on the bluff costing 1 cent to ride. Roller coasters, a carousel, outdoor roller skating rink and dance pavilion were added. Silver Beach is still a community get-together for guests and residents. Currently a group of citizens are trying to bring back the "magic" of the Silver Beach Amusement Park, by purchasing the original carousel, with the intent of making it a working exhibit in downtown St. Joseph.

Info Updates:
5/16/2020 - Kostantine Petain
I was Born in St. Joe 1948 and I grew up there to 1967. Till the Army got me. I grew up going to the old Silver Beach witch I miss it a lot. The biggest mistake that the city of Saint Joe did was tear it down. I came back from Vietnam in 70,hopeing to see the old Silver Beach ,but it was closed and was going to be torn down,my heart was broken to see what I grew up was going to gone. I remember when the old Silver Beach was there, there was hundreds of people going to the rids or going into the water,fishing on the pier or boating. I went back in the late 80 on leave to see what Saint Joe was like at the beach. Hoping to come back and live there. I went to the beach in July in it was dead hardly anybody was there. I never returned and made my home outside of Ft. Stewart Ga. There will never be another Silver Beach like the old one.
4/3/2009 - Ken Kaszubowski
Just an update on the new Silver Beach Carousel project. Construction started last fall on the new carousel building that will house the new Silver Beach Carousel. Our new Carousel will have 48 figures and 2 chariots,one of which will be handicap assesable. Carousel Works out of Mansfield Ohio is building our Carousel. They are the only company in the world that builds complete wooden carousels. All the animals are hand carved out of wood and hand painted. Along with the Carousel will be the Curious Kids Museum Annex, with a climbing wall and all kinds of water interactive displays. Included in the building complex will be the Shadowland Ballroom, that can be rented for weddings,birthday parties and other activites. Also on site inside will be the largest Kalidiscope in Michigan. Across the street will be the Compass Rose Interactive Fountain that will shoot water at random so kids and adults can get wet. The fountain is opening this summer and the Carousel and other attractions will open in January 2010. This will be a year round operated fun place.
12/11/2008 - Peter C. MelonasPP
My Grandfather bought a cottage in the Grand Mere resort area of Stevensville. MI in 1947. I was there the day he got the deed (which in those days included a Restriction Clause!). My Aunt Helen was there too. By 1949 there were two other families from Harvey, IL who had bought cottages next to ours. We kids learned about Silver Beach from the locals and boy did we pester our parents to go there at least once a week. My favorite ride was the roller coaster. The fun house was a challenge to a nine year old and the bumper cars were exciting.
We sold that cottage back in 1963 and bought a lake home in Long Beach, IN.
Missed Silver Beach a lot. So glad you've posted pictures!
6/15/2008 - Jerry Smith
I heard Silverbeach is geeting two rides, a Merry Go Round and the old trian from the House of David.
4/10/2006 - Ken Kaszubowski
In answer to Howard Parks question dated 4-6-2006, the answer is no. Silver Beach is not coming back complete with rides. How do I know ? Well Im one of the board members of the Silver Beach Carousel Society. Our intentions are to bring a brand new carousel to Bluffside (on the former Leco Property). As far as other attractions for Bluffside, a butterfly house is a real possibilty and maybe one of the original House of David trains. Whirlpool field would probably be landscaped with trees, flowers,walkways, and park benches. So as you can see, there would be no carnival, just a nice place to come and relax. Any further questions please feel free to E-mail me. Thank You , Ken Kaszubowski
4/6/2006 - Howard Parks
Now, I dont know if this is true or not, but my parents had told me that The Grand Rapids Press stated that Silver Beach might be coming back complete with rides. I havent found anything on the Presss webpage about that story. Anyone else have any info?
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Brochure Cover
Brochure Cover
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Brochure Cover
Brochure Cover
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Old Photo
Old Photo
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Carousel
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Tickets And Pennant
Tickets And Pennant
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Roller Coaster
Roller Coaster
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Rides
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Beach
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Coaster
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Waterfront
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Waterfront
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Waterfront
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Drawing
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Airplane Swing
Airplane Swing
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Roller Coaster
Roller Coaster
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Waterfront
Silver Beach Amusement Park - The Midway
The Midway
Silver Beach Amusement Park - The Whip
The Whip
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Beach Front
Beach Front
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Old Postcard Silver Beach
Old Postcard Silver Beach
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Old Post Card
Old Post Card
Silver Beach Amusement Park - 22 June 1962 Ad
22 June 1962 Ad
Silver Beach Amusement Park - Rear Of Post Card
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